Spiritual Development Workshops

I offer a variety of workshops to help you with your spiritual development.

Meet your Spirit Guide

Spirit Guides are non-physical beings whose role is literally to guide and assist us on our journey in this lifetime. We all have a spiritual team comprised of guides, angels and helpers to help us on our journey. If we choose to connect with our guides we make their role so much easier and enable our own lives to flow so much better. Connecting to your spirit guide provides a feeling of support and comfort. It also helps you to develop your intuitive gifts and experience greater peace of mind. In fact a spirit guide is just like a wise old friend! The first part of this workshop will cover how to connect with your main guide, how to recognise their presence, suitable questions to ask and how to receive guidance for yourself. The second part will open you up to inspiration from your guide to enable you to receive a message for yourself and possibly for someone else in the group. You will also be taught how to open up safely and close and ground at the end.
Please bring a pen and notepad. Course notes and refreshments provided.

Psychic Protection

Learn how to take control of your energies and become aware of your boundaries/personal space! Includes the symptoms of psychic attack, the effect of negative thoughts upon the body, an aura cleansing exercise, methods of psychic protection, cord cutting and strengthening the energy field.

Psychic Development 

An opportunity to practice a variety of techniques including psychometry (tuning into the energy of an object/personal possession), sensing energy/auras, tuning into others and reading oracle cards to help you develop your intuition and psychic ability. A fun workshop with lots of opportunity to develop and practice your skills!

An Afternoon with the Angels

If you have ever wondered who and what angels are and whether you have a guardian angel, this workshop is a lovely introduction to the angelic realm. Learn how to create an angel altar and how to recognise signs that the angels are communicating with us.  Includes a guided meditation to connect with your guardian angel and receiving guidance through angel cards and a simple divination exercise. Course notes will be provided but please bring a notebook and pen.

Group Fairy Blessing Guided Journey Workshop

A group guided journey to the Faery Realm for healing and guidance followed by fairy oracle card readings for yourself and others.

Group Angel Therapy Workshop

An exercise to release negative emotions, a guided meditation to the Archangelic Realm for healing and guidance, followed by connecting with your guardian angel and practicing angel card readings on each other.

Energy Healing Workshop – Dowsing Rods, Pendulums & Crystals

Learn how to use dowsing rods and pendulums for healing! Balance your chakras, release energy blocks and clear your aura of stagnant energy. The workshop will include dowsing the chakras; clearing blocked, negative or stagnant energy from the chakras; identifying what you want to manifest in your life and clearing blocks around that wish; a crystal meditation to strengthen and explore a weak chakra.
This workshop is suitable for all including beginners. It will be a useful addition to the knowledge of those already working as healers in therapies such as Reiki or Crystal Healing but is open to anyone who just wants to feel more balanced, clear and calm.

Spiritual Get-Together

Take a guided meditation to the spirit realm to connect with your spirit guide or a loved one in spirit or just relax in your safe space, then practice giving oracle card readings. I will then lead you on a guided meditation to connect with your healing guide before you give spiritual healing swaps. No prior experience necessary.

Meditations with Spirit Online Course (in private Facebook group)

This is a 4 week course during which you will have access to 8 meditations (2 a week) to help you develop your own connections to the Spirit world. Meditations include:- Journey to the Angels for Healing, Journey to meet your Animal Guide/Power Animal, Chakra Meditation with the Archangels, Meet your Guardian Angel, Connect with your Spirit Guide, Elevator Meditation with your Guide for insight and wisdom, Journey to the Spirit Realm to meet a loved one, Journey to the Spirit Realm to call in someone connected to another person in the group. I will also go live once a week giving group or individual angel or oracle card readings.

Magical Beings Meditation Course 

Bring some magic and healing into your life with this series of guided meditations to the faery, dragon, unicorn and angelic realms! Learn how these amazing beings can help you and share their magical wisdom with you. These different spirit realms exist around us on a higher vibratory plane and can be reached through meditation when we turn our attention inwards away from the physical dimension. Each week will include an oracle card message for each participant.
Week 1 -Journey to the faery realm for help and guidance with day to day concerns.
Week 2 – Journey to the dragon realm to meet your dragon guide. Dragons bring healing, protection and ancient wisdom.
Week 3 – Journey to the unicorn realm for soul level healing and to help you reconnect to the magic of life.
Week 4 – Journey to the angelic realm to meet your Guardian Angel who provides you with love, protection and guidance and receive healing from the archangelic realm.
Please bring a notepad and pen to record your experiences.

Introduction to Spiritual Development Online Course   6 weeks   

Week 1: The Basics – opening up, psychic protection, role of meditation, guided meditation, importance of journaling, closing down and grounding.
Week 2: Spirit Guides and Clairs – how we receive information through our psychic senses, guided meditation, types of guides, journey to meet spirit guide.
Week 3: Colours and Auras – use of colour in mediumship, guided meditation, auras, sensing other people’s auras.
Week 4: Tools – different tools used to communicate with spirit world, exercises with pendulum, meditation with guide.
Week 5: Healing and Crystals – different types of healing, exercise to meet healing guide, group connection exercise, crystals for spiritual development.
Week 6: “Who is with you?” and Signs from Spirit – guided meditation to spirit realm, cleansing, signs from spirit world in everyday life.

Cleansing and Grounding Workshop
Most people are carrying around ‘stuff’ that doesn’t serve them and are struggling to create the life they want. Maybe you’ve tried positive affirmations and creative visualisation but had limited success. It is likely you need to clear out the old and raise your vibration to make way for the new.
In this workshop you’ll learn:-
– The importance of cleansing and grounding.
– How to recognise symptoms of energetic overwhelm and being ungrounded.
– How absorbing too many energies can leave you feeling blocked.
– How proper grounding can help you focus and function more effectively as well as improve your intuition and psychic abilities.
– Simple meditations to cleanse, raise your vibration and ground yourself.
This workshop is essential for healers, therapists, psychics and those developing themselves spiritually, as well as anyone who just wants to be more focused, intuitive and proactive. If you’re feeling anxious, overwhelmed or stuck, this workshop is for you! The session will be recorded so you can repeat the meditations at home whenever you wish.

Angelic Communication Workshop
Connecting with the angels is a wonderful way to invite more love, light, healing and spiritual energy into your life. In this workshop you will learn:-
– How to connect with the angelic realm for healing, direct communication and requesting the assistance you need.
– Two methods to call in your Guardian Angel.
– How connecting to the angelic realm and your Guardian Angel can benefit you.
– Signs the angels use to communicate with us.
– How to receive insights and messages via angel cards and channelled writing.
– Meanings of angelic colours and symbols.
– Crystals to aid and strengthen your connection.

Please bring a notepad and pen and a pack of angel cards if you have them. Audio recordings of the 2 meditations will be emailed to you after the workshop.

Spirit Guides and Angel Helpers – 6 week online course
Discover the different types of guides and different types of guidance available to you! In this course we will work with ancestor guides, spirit animals, angels, professional guides, your Higher Self and your main spirit guide.

Journeys to the Spirit World: Receiving Guidance for Yourself
Learn how to receive information through your psychic senses (clairs) to receive insight and guidance for yourself from the spirit world. There will be a different guided meditation each week and I will also cover opening up safely, symbolism of colour and objects, psychic protection, closing down and grounding. This course is suitable for beginners who want to begin to explore the spirit realms in a safe, structured way. No prior experience necessary, just an ability to visualise which we can build on.

Angelic Connections
A group angel healing with the archangels, messages for each person from the angels, an angel card message for each person and a group guided journey to connect with your own Guardian Angel and request the support you need. Refreshments available at the end if you’d like to stay for a chat and a drink.

Introduction to Mediumship – Spiritual Communication for Beginners 6 week course
In this course we’ll be covering the basics of connecting with the spirit world. You’ll be contacting your own passed loved ones and those of others, connecting with your guide and receiving guidance for yourself. It will be fun and fascinating with lots of practical exercises to build your confidence while working safely with the spirit world.

Lesson 1: The Basics – Working safely, Building the Power, Sensing Energy, Setting Intentions.

Lesson 2: Clairs, Spiritual Toolbox, Creating your Safe Space

Lesson 3: Role of Guides and Receiving Answers for You

Lesson 4: Raising your Vibration and Meeting your own Passed Loved Ones

Lesson 5: Dealing with Blocks and Making a Connection for Someone Else

Lesson 6: Practice Readings with Others

Psychic Development Course   6 weeks (Autumn 2023)

In this course we’ll be exploring different forms of divination including:-

Lesson 1: Auras and Colour.

Lesson 2: Chakras, Psychic Senses, ribbon readings and guided meditation for own message.

Lesson 3: Clairs and Psychometry

Lesson 4: Oracle cards.

Lesson 5: Scrying, crystal divination and guided meditation to receive a flower.

Lesson 6: Tuning into a partner and photo reading.

The course will also include opening up, grounding, cleansing and psychic protection.

6 week Meditation Course – Meditation and the Vagus Nerve
This course will include relaxing the body, simple Vagus Nerve stretches to calm and regulate the Autonomic Nervous System and meditation practice.

Quantum Energy Workshop
This fabulous new workshop will include a group Quantum healing and card message for each person, followed by healing meditations, working with 5D frequencies to shift your energy and align you to your highest path.

Healing Drum & Shamanic Journeying Workshop
Connect to the energy of Mother Earth and your own inner power! This session will include drumming to clear stagnant energy and raise your vibration, group healing from me, card message for each person and a guided shamanic journey. Journeys will include meeting your power animal, meeting an animal guide, receiving guidance you need on a current issue in your life or taking back your power. If you have your own drum, you are welcome to bring it along for the group drumming at the beginning of the session.