Healing & Holistic Therapies

Healing & Holistic Treatments

Reiki Healing     £40    (1 hr plus consultation time)

A form of hands-on, spiritual healing which boosts energy levels and restores balance, health and harmony to all levels of our being – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Reiki initiates the healing process within the physical body, promotes healing of injuries and provides relief from a wide variety of physical ailments. Helps to balance the emotions, calms the mind, helps lift depression and relieves symptoms of stress. Reiki enhances any orthodox medical treatment the client may be receiving. Working with the Entities of Light, advanced healing techniques are incorporated to shift and release blockages held in the body on a physical level (manifesting as aches, pains, injury or illness) or on a mental/emotional level in the aura so that your energy can flow more freely. Connecting to the divine source ensures that the purest, highest form of healing comes through, helping the client release negative emotional issues in a safe, supportive way.

Quantum Energy Healing    £50  1 1/4 hrs   Via Zoom or in-person

QEH channels energy directly from Source, the Divine. Whereas Reiki heals and balances our body, mind and emotions, Quantum Energy Healing heals our lives bringing about amazing shifts and transformation. QEH heals at the soul contract level, releasing us from all that no longer serves our highest good and greatest potential. It brings in whatever healing we need at the time. It aligns us more deeply with our soul purpose and true self so that we can reach our full potential sooner. It raises our personal vibration, boosting us on all levels, increasing our manifesting abilities considerably! We can then start to live our most content, abundant, peaceful life.
A QEH treatment opens your energy channels and chakras so that blocks are released. The Quantum energy releases what doesn’t serve you and puts in what you need, filling you with the pure white light of Source. The QEH symbols relate to forgiveness, compassion, acceptance, safety, love and worthiness. These are the energies that heal the soul and create happiness, peace and abundance.
In a treatment we discuss what the client would like to heal, such as family issues, relationship problems, lack of self-worth or confidence, fear, low mood, anxiety, work problems, pain or generally feeling blocked in life. The treatment is carried out either online in Zoom (or video call) or in person, with me tuning into your energy body and bringing in white light and any of the Quantum symbols I’m inspired to use. I will call upon the Quantum energy, my higher self, guides and angels to bring in the perfect healing to help the client receive whatever they need right now. After the session I include a card pull to bring through some guidance from the higher realms.
Results are usually seen over the next few weeks as the client starts to notice subtle changes in themselves and their life. Some things that bothered you, you realise are no longer important. You may see an improvement in your physical and emotional health. There may be a gradual releasing of situations and people you are no longer aligned with. You may also discover a new-found sense of freedom and personal power and a greater openness to new opportunities and life in general.

Angelic Reiki  £40     (1 1/4 hrs)   Can also be taken online via video call or Zoom

A high vibration healing method working with the highest beings of the Angelic Realm to bring about healing on all levels to balance the whole person and address causes of symptoms. I work with the archangels you need to bring in healing to your physical, mental and emotional bodies, and bring the white diamond light into your energy body to raise your vibration. Session includes any cord cutting that is needed. Angelic Reiki can raise consciousness through a download of soul energy and help you connect with your higher self. Suitable for everyone, Angelic Reiki gives a sense of being nurtured, cared for and protected.  It helps you move forward in life, releasing situations from the past you have outgrown. Angelic Reiki also helps with anxiety, stress symptoms, sleeplessness, headaches, digestive issues, feeling unwell and out of sorts, fatigue, childhood issues, relationship issues and grief. Session includes consultation, short angel card reading and treatment.

Crystal Healing  £37       (1 hr)

Using crystals to rebalance your body and energy field and strengthen any weak/unbalanced chakras. Crystals are chosen for each chakra and to address individual concerns. I also work in the aura to release stuck, blocked energy and negative thought forms. Session includes consultation, mini crystal reading and treatment.

Reiki Drum and Shamanic Journeying  £40  (1 1/2 hrs)

These sessions are a combination of the healing power of the drum charged with Reiki symbols to clear stuck heavy energy in your aura, hands on Reiki to bring healing energy into the body and to integrate the clearing and energy shifts, followed by a guided shamanic journey. Shamanic journeys can be taken for the following reasons:-
* To find your lost power (soul retrieval) and call it back.
* Meet your power animal.
* Find your own guidance for a particular issue or problem in your life.
* Discover what the spirit world wants you to know at this time.

Faery Reiki    £40       (1 hr)

Fairies, also known as the nature angels, are part of the elemental realm of air, fire, water, earth and ether. They reside in a dimension very close to our earth realm where they perform their divine mission of protecting nature and the animals. Faery Reiki strengthens your connection to the faery realm and the elements. It helps to cleanse and release negative emotions (Water), connect you to your higher self for inspiration (Air), release negative karma and aid manifesting of dreams and goals (Fire), provide grounding, balance and stability (Earth) and helps release doubt, fear and anger (Ether/Spirit). Faery Reiki balances the emotions, increases your sense of wellbeing and helps clear blocks in the root chakra to improve creativity and manifesting of success and abundance. Ideal for anyone wanting to connect more deeply with the natural world and the magic of life. Each session includes a short Fairy Oracle card reading to give insight into a particular area of concern in your life. Session includes consultation, short fairy card reading and treatment.

Past Life Regression   £40  (1 1/4 hr)  In person or via Zoom

In these sessions we set the intention to take you back to a past life which is impacting on your current life to help you gain a bit more understanding of how things are at the present moment and why. You’ll discover who you were and what you did, get a sense of where and when you lived (which can explain why you feel drawn to certain countries or periods in history) and what you learned in that lifetime (either positive or negative, which shapes your experiences today). You may also recognise a few familiar faces as we tend to reincarnate with the same souls time and time again. Even if you’re not sure you believe in the idea of reincarnation, it can be really interesting trying this therapy as a means of exploring certain karmic patterns or soul stories that play out over and over again. It’s best to just keep an open mind and see what your soul wants to show you. We can also set the intention to find a past life to help you understand a particular behavioural pattern or to understand a relationship better. Any trauma, negative behavioural patterns or limiting beliefs can be cleared in your Akashic Record at the end of the session. With Past Life Regression you do not have to actually re-live or experience anything traumatic but are encouraged to view what is happening with a sense of detachment.
These sessions are best done in person at East Leake but can also be done over Zoom if you have a good stable Wifi connection. You will be given time afterwards to write down your experiences and discuss anything that has cropped up. I can then clear negative karmic issues such as loss, grief, isolation, low self-esteem etc in the Akashic Records.

Reflexology  £37       (50 mins plus consultation time)

By massaging and stimulating the reflex points on the feet, healing is promoted in the corresponding organs of the body. Reflexology works to remove energy blockages to heal imbalances, improve circulation, soothe pain/inflammation, ease tension and promote detoxification. Beneficial for all physical ailments and for maintaining good health.

Indian Head Massage  £30        (40 mins plus consultation time)

A relaxing therapeutic massage of the upper back, shoulders, neck, scalp and face. Beneficial for tense neck and shoulders and for relieving tension headaches. Helps with sinusitis, anxiety and nervous disorders. Includes a facial massage to promote sinus and lymph drainage.

Vitality Lift Facial Massage  £20       (30 mins plus consultation time)

This facial massage, based on the system of Zone Therapy, can improve health, vitality and facial skin tone. The treatment aims to unblock and stimulate the nerve endings in the face to help the glands and organs function properly. A series of acupressure and reflex points are massaged to promote release of harmful toxins and boost energy levels. A build-up of toxins in the body can result in spots, blemishes and dull, tired skin. This massage stimulates core facial muscles to lift, firm and tone the skin, brightening and improving its appearance. Benefits include improved elimination and detoxification, improved hormonal balance and digestion, toning and strengthening of facial muscles, as well as youth, beauty and health from within. The massage is complemented by the use of Rosa Mosqueta oil which has been proven to fade scars, nourish dry skin and reduce the signs of ageing.

Hopi Ear Candles  £32     (45 mins plus consultation time)

A gentle relaxing therapy beneficial for many problems related to the ear and head. Particularly useful for treating compacted or excess wax, sinusitis, rhinitis, tinnitus, glue-ear, colds, flu, sinus-related headaches and migraines.  The candles also regulate pressure and balance fluids in the inner ear canal to help with cases of vertigo, labarynthitis and Meniere’s Syndrome. Treatment ends with a facial massage to promote sinus and lymphatic drainage.  Please note that a course of 4-6 treatments is usually recommended to treat specific conditions but 1 – 2 treatments are often all that is necessary to treat minor wax build-up and congestion.

Foot Massage  £20     (30 mins plus consultation time)

Boosts circulation, soothes the feet, very relaxing. A wonderful treat for the hardest working part of your body!

*Discount Offer*

Take 2 different ½ hour treatments of Reiki, Reflexology, Neck/Shoulder Massage, Foot Massage or Vitality Lift Facial Massage for £38 or 3 treatments for £50!  (Individual ½ hr treatments £20.)

Distant Healing    £20

Reiki can be sent to someone remotely without diminishing the power of the energy transmitted. Please arrange in advance.  Feedback provided by email or phone.  Please see separate page for further details.

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